Онлайн-бухгалтерия для малого бизнеса в Узбекистане Azma Finance, Azma, Бухгалтерия для IT компаний в Узбекистане, в Ташкенте
Accounting for companies that inspire
We don't just offer outsourced accounting services for companies, we help with financial documents, taxes, filing statements, payroll tasks, legal issues and more.
Maintaining accounting records and preparing reports.
Human resource management and electronic document management.
Legal support and advice.
Services for trading companies.
Registering the business and obtaining the necessary documents.
Specialized accounting services for IT companies.
Management Accounting.
Collection and management of primary documentation.
Business Closing Assistance.
Azma is...
>20 customers who are satisfied
Average response time is 2 hours
100% financial guarantee
Accounting in the palm of your hand
Businesses are growing upward
And we're not lagging behind and are happy to help carry out the plans
We maintain currency control and execute all documents.
We will tell you about the risks and draw up documents to minimize them.
For IT and service customers, the tax is computed daily on any taxation system.
We provide advice and assistance in dealing with tax authorities and auditing authorities.
Become friends with Azma
Leave a request and we will contact you as soon as possible, advise you, answer your questions and connect you to the service.

Azma's Blog

    It's an easy transition
    Changing the accounting department is very simple in three steps

    We tell you about EDS, taxes and filing reports

    To keep you off computer duty, we share our secrets.
    Configuring restricted access to the bank
    So you don't waste your time downloading payments to your personal account.
    Deploy 1C and perform accounting analysis
    So that you don't have blockages, turn in missed reports.
    Hand over to the accounting department
    and get on with your business.
    Don't settle for less
    Decide what you need to accomplish your goal
    Provision of services
    2 045 750 sum
    We support agency schemes, prepare contracts, arrange remote workers and set up work even if you are abroad.
    3 416 000 sum
    We help you choose a cash register, reflect transactions in accounting and customize work with marketplaces.
    5 705 000 sum
    We safely reduce tax due to correct accounting of the expenditure part, work with goods made on commission and correctly write off materials.
    Entrepreneurs think in terms of opportunities, not limitations
    We try to create stability and predictability in every challenge
    Entrepreneurs do the impossible
    And we are what is necessary
    Choose your path
    Leave a request - we'll calculate a customized cost, answer questions and give you a bonus.
    Leave your phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible: we will calculate the cost and discuss all questions.
    Leave a request with your details and you can choose a discount or a free consultation on connection.
    Contact us via telegram
    Онлайн-бухгалтерия для малого бизнеса в Узбекистане Azma Finance, Azma, Бухгалтерия для IT компаний в Узбекистане, в Ташкенте
    Онлайн-бухгалтерия для малого бизнеса в Узбекистане Azma Finance, Azma, Бухгалтерия для IT компаний в Узбекистане, в Ташкенте
    Онлайн-бухгалтерия для малого бизнеса в Узбекистане Azma Finance, Azma, Бухгалтерия для IT компаний в Узбекистане, в Ташкенте
    Онлайн-бухгалтерия для малого бизнеса в Узбекистане Azma Finance, Azma, Бухгалтерия для IT компаний в Узбекистане, в Ташкенте
    Онлайн-бухгалтерия для малого бизнеса в Узбекистане Azma Finance, Azma, Бухгалтерия для IT компаний в Узбекистане, в Ташкенте